Bringing physiology knowledge to you


Human physiology consulting


"Bridging the gap between academic knowledge and industry applicability"

Our strength is finding the appropriate academic research needed to support your industry application. Having worked in both research and applied settings we understand their unique challenges and will be the bridge linking the information to those who need it the most. This is accomplished in a timely fashion in English or in French.

We are extremely well versed in applying the below topics to female physiology, collaborate with international experts, and have female specific research trial experience.


Occupational physiology

Workplace fitness testing (test selection, design, candidate preparation, legal considerations)

Cardiovascular and strength assessments as well as remedial counselling

Evaluating physical demands of occupational tasks

Physiological interpretation of Job Demand Analysis

Increasing passing rate of underrepresented groups

Creating evidenced based info-graphs Ex1, Ex2, Ex3

Work highlight: Assisted an urban fire department with the hire of new recruits with a focus on diversity


Influence of heat, hypoxia, cold, and air pollution on exercise

Equivalent air altitude model comprehension

Direct and indirect core temperature measure experience.

Body temperature wearable sensor validation

Hypobaric chamber experience: testing of oxygen delivery systems, aircrew altitude indoctrination, and aerospace simulations

Hyperbaric and dive physiology

Work highlight: Invited speaker at NASA to discuss the discrepancies between hypobaric and normobaric hypoxia

Independent validation of wearable sensors which estimate body temperature


Exercise Physiology

Energy demand of athletic performances and endeavors

Postpartum athlete training & research

Data analysis of performance metrics

Assessing plausibility of sporting performances

Optimizing recovery for maximal performance and adaptations

In depth clinical exercise physiology knowledge (10+ years)

Work highlight: Physiology consultant to the global enterprise Zwift

Efficient and effective return to exercise postpartum in female athletes